BIZ|LAW Academy
However, our advice does not end with the provision of a draft contract or the successful conclusion of a negotiation. We focus on sustainable knowledge transfer by providing targeted training for our clients’ managing directors and employees.
Our training courses are designed to provide you with in-depth knowledge and practical skills that you can apply directly in your day-to-day work.
Course offering: “Fit in
With our course “Fit in Contract Law”, which we developed in partnership with the multiple award-winning iwp – Institute for Business Education, we offer an effective way to improve the legal skills of your employees in a targeted manner and avoid liability traps. Through blended learning, theory and practice are optimally combined so that your employees can expand their knowledge flexibly Invest in the future of your employees and your company.
Course offering: “Liability in mechanical engineering”
Contents to be agreed
Course offering: “Setting up a company”
Legal advice on setting up a company with a focus on limited liability companies (GmbH)
Course contents:
I Corporate law basics
II Stages and liability
III Participation opportunities
IV Exit opportunities
V Revenue preference
VI Tax
VIII Articles of association
IX Further contractual bases, bank